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People have had a love affair with honey since prehistoric times. Really! There are cave drawings that date back to 8,000 BCE of people honey harvesting according to CNN. In fact, honey has been used as both a food and for medicinal purposes in Roman, Greek, Egyptian and other ancient civilizations.
That's because honey – the sweet gooey liquid that is made by bees – besides being a natural sweetener, is also nutritional. One tablespoon of honey contains 64 calories, 17 grams of sugars and absolutely no fat. You can substitute honey for sugar in all your cooking and baking but remember not to give honey to a child who is less than a year old.
Here are seven health benefits of honey that you may not know:
Honey has Antibacterial Properties
Honey has amazing power to kill bacteriabecausae it contains propolis. In fact, a study by the Charles Sturt University in Wagga Wagga, Australia has shown that honey is effective against dozens of strains including salmonella and E. coli. One variety can even fight staph bacteria. Honey is used to treat ulcers, bed sores, burns and can even heal wounds. The darker the honey the better it works.
Can be Used to Suppress Coughs
Did you know that honey can help with cough suppression? Out of Halls, no problem. A teaspoon of honey will sooth your throat and help you stop coughing. According to Healthline, one study found that honey worked better than two common cough medications and helped suppress nighttime coughing in children.
Healthy Sweetener
Honey contains 64 percent glucose and fructose. You can substitute honey for sugar or artificial sweeteners in most foods and drinks. You can even cook and bake with it. Healthline said it is safer to use for diabetics (but check with your doctor before use) than refined sugar which is just empty calories.
Rich in Antioxidants
High quality natural honey contains important antioxidants including flavonoids and polyphenols that are found in propolis according to Healthline. Antioxidants can help to reduce blood pressure contributing to better heart health and a reduction in the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Antioxidants may also reduce some cancer risks and promote eye health.
Honey is a Natural Sleep Aid
Stop using over-the-counter sleep aids and have a cup of chamomile tea with honey instead. Honey can raise insulin levels and release serotonin – the feel-good neurotransmitter – that gets converted into melatonin, a chemical that regulates sleep according to Medical Daily.
Can Help to Lower Cholesterol
There are two kinds of cholesterol, LDL that is the bad cholesterol that causes a fatty buildup in your arteries and HDL that is the good cholesterol. Honey may improve your cholesterol levels, according to Healthline, because it raises your good level and moderately reduces your bad level.
Use it to Treat Dandruff
Honey can also help to relieve scalp irritation and dandruff. A study published in the European Journal of Medical Research found that applying diluted honey to your scalp and leaving it on for three hours before washing it out of your hair led to itch relief and got rid of scaling for months.
7 Reasons Why You Should Care about Bees
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