6 Spiritual Rituals to Celebrate the Spring Equinox

Celebrate the start of spring with these spiritual and grounding rituals.

Celebrate the spring equinox with grounding rituals.

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Life is a beautiful cycle of rebirth, and nature mirrors that rhythm. With foliage and flowers, spring marks the cycle of renewal — bringing new growth and energy. As winter ends and spring returns, it offers us an opportunity to embrace the new growth that comes with it.

The spring equinox, which begins on March 20, is a day with equal amounts of darkness and light, PopSugar explains. For many indigenous cultures, the spring equinox marks the beginning of the new year. Rituals performed on this day often honor the four elements: earth, water, air, and fire. Here are ways to celebrate the energy of the spring equinox and ground yourself.

Cleanse With a Fire Ritual

Spring invites us to let go of the old and make way for the new. A fire transformation ritual is one powerful way to release what no longer serves us. Write down the things you want to leave behind. Then carefully burn the paper and throw it away. The fire symbolizes shedding the old, helping you enter this spring season feeling lighter. The ritual represents earth’s cycles, and the cycles within us all.

Cleanse with a fire ritual to celebrate the spring equinox.

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Plant Seeds With Intention 

Once you’ve let go of the old, take a moment to plant something new: seeds with intention. Planting seeds, whether flowers, herbs, or trees, symbolizes the growth and renewal that spring brings. Indigenous cultures also used this practice to connect with the land and honor life’s cycles. As you carry out this ritual, think about your own intentions, and thank the seeds as you bury them in the earth.

Plant seeds with intention this spring.

(Natalia Deriabina / Shutterstock.com)

Celebrate With a Sunrise Gathering

Indigenous cultures traditionally welcomed spring through rituals in community with others. Gather with friends in a place that is calling to you, whether it’s on a beach, in a park, or in the mountains, in the morning hours before sunrise. Create an altar in the middle, with flowers, symbols, or photographs of ancestors, and spend time singing, meditating, and praying. Take a moment to hold hands and express gratitude to the universe for the arrival of spring.

Celebrate the spring equinox with friends through planning a sunrise gathering.

(Jozef Klopacka / Shutterstock.com)

Spend Time in the Great Outdoors

According to Vogue, druids, witches, and nature lovers gather to honor the spring equinox, as pagans celebrate Ostara, with a widespread belief that the festival is named after the goddess of spring and fertility, Ēostre. The largest celebrations take place at Stonehenge, with hundreds of druids attending each year. 

To connect more deeply with the day when the sun passes directly over the equator, you can also spend time outside. Take a walk in the woods or along the shore. Fully immerse yourself in the present moment by focusing on the natural world around you. Observe the trees, plants, wildflowers, and listen to the sounds of songbirds. If you feel inspired, collect a natural item to bring home — whether it’s a budding twig, leaves, a feather, or a beautiful stone.

Spend time in the great outdoors.

(VALUA VITALY / Shutterstock.com)

Create a Spring Altar 

A spring altar can be a meaningful way to celebrate spring equinox by incorporating the four elements, PopSugar explains. Fill your altar with natural elements  including flowers for earth, water in a vase to represent water, a candle for fire, and smoke for air. Sit in front of your altar and journal, meditate, or pray. You can also sing or even dance around it.

Create a spring altar.

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Donate to a Worthy Cause

Finally, donating to an important cause is a powerful way to celebrate the spring equinox, according to Vogue. Consider donating money to a green charity, planting seeds, and feeding the birds. Through giving to the planet, you can synchronize yourself with the universe’s flow of giving and receiving. Just as nature provides us with the abundance of the universe, we can choose to give back to the planet through the power of giving.

Donate or do something good for nature to give back this spring equinox.

(Keith 316 / Shutterstock.com)