(Gil C / Shutterstock.com)
Instagram - the 'it' place for sharing photos of pretty much anything.... While most use it is just for fun - selfie, anyone? - as it turns out, there are plenty of people utilizing the photo-sharing platform for the greater good. Check out the following 6 Instagram accounts good doers would love to follow. Instagood!
WHAT: A collection of photos following the adventures of a 32-year-old stuffed fox traveling around the world to help an old friend with cancer.
WHY: Some 32 years ago, Gary Moore gave Jessica Johnson a stuffed animal named Mr Fox as a present for her third birthday. About a year ago, Gary was diagnosed with cancer and Jessica decided to use pictures she had taken of Mr Fox in various locations as a way of raising money to send Gary on his own trip of a lifetime.
HOW: Jessica started uploading pictures of Mr Fox's adventures on Instagram in the hope that they would put a smile on people's faces and encourage them to donate a few dollars to Gary's travel fund. The inspiring story and super cute pictures have touched the hearts of thousands of people who are helping Jessica reach the final target.
WHAT: A unique insight into the lives of homeless people with the aim of helping them get out of their current situation and actualize their dreams.
WHY: Pachi Tamer, who works for an advertising agency based in Austin, started befriending homeless people and taking portraits of them in a bid to help their dreams come true. What started as an online project has since turned into a non-profit organization called One Dollar Dreams.
HOW: As well as giving them a voice on social media, Pachi helps some of his homeless friends by encouraging his Instagram followers to donate just one dollar at a time for the worthy cause.
WHAT: A novel approach to cleaning up abandoned bikes from the streets of New York.
WHY: In order to free up bike parking spaces in New York, the project aims to send pictures of abandoned bikes to the Municipality so they may focus their efforts to removing bikes no longer in use.
HOW: Passersby are encouraged to snap a quick photo with Instagram, caption it with the location and the #deadpedalNY hashtag and then share it.
WHAT: A way for Zach Belden to chronicle his Grandma Betty's battle with cancer and inspire others.
WHY: Not only did Zach want to cheer up Grandma Betty, he also wanted to share her words of wisdom and her young spirit with the world.
HOW: Over 400,000 people now follow Grandma Betty, with her photos and videos bringing a smile to all who have been touched by this very sweet woman.
WHAT: A platform for people to share their hopes and turn dreams into a reality by taking pictures holding their very own dream cloud.
WHY: While the movement is open to everyone, there is a focus on helping aspiring professionals to get ahead by letting them showcase their talents.
HOW: Users are encouraged to download, print and cut out a cloud-shaped piece of paper, scribble their dream, and take their photo with a dream cloud. The ever-growing digital archive on Instagram is there to inspire users all around the world to follow their dreams.
WHAT: A user generated database of litter that encourages people to take photos of garbage and dispose of it correctly.
WHY: Litterati is raising awareness about the problems created by litter and providing real solutions to keeping the planet clean. The Digital Landfill photo gallery helps highlight problem areas as well as those communities that are most active in dealing with litter.
HOW: People from all over the world who see trash lying around are asked to photograph it, use the hashtag #litterati, and then properly dispose of the trash.