(Andriy Blokhin / shutterstock.com)
Villiers Street is the second busiest street in London. Like any other bustling metropolitan area, this street is filled with tourists, commuters, office buildings, shops, nightlife establishments – and a lot, a lot of litter. While 86 percent of the public sees littering as a disgusting habit, 62 percent of street users drop litter anyway. Neat Streets is here to change that.
Launched by Hubbub and the Westminster City Council, the Neat Streets campaign is engaging people in a way that’s positive, firm, and encourages residents to look after the streets that they live and work on. The six-month campaign, which ends in October, hopes to put litter back on the city’s agenda, change littering behavior, and create a cleaner environment for people to enjoy. While the movement has only been applied to Villiers Street, Neats Streets aspires to be a model for behavior change innovations in cities across the world.
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