(Evdokimov Maxim / Shutterstock.com)
You can help heal the world by doing good acts, large and small. Since kindness is contagious, your good deeds can spur others to do the same. and since research shows that volunteering and helping others can lead to better health and more happiness, you will be helping yourself too.
Don’t know where to start? Here’s a list of good deeds that you can do even in a socially distanced world:
1. Skype or call a friend to see how they are doing
2. Donate your stimulus check
3. Give an old winter coat to Goodwill
4. Walk your neighbor’s dog
5. Shovel snow (or mow the grass) for an elderly neighbor
6. Donate canned goods to a food pantry
7. Say thank you to an essential worker
8. Ask for donations in your name instead of birthday gifts
9. Bring groceries to an elderly person
10. Use a search engine that supports a cause
11. Donate blood
12. Teach someone a skill they can use
13. Wear a mask and keep socially distant
14. Leave positive comments on social media
15. Apologize
16. Organize a balcony musical recital or online singalong
17. Use a search engine that supports a cause
18. Write a thank you note to your child’s teacher
19. Share a good book
20. Buy Fair Trade
21. Pay it forward by buying the next person in line’s coffee or meal
22. Allow a driver to merge into your lane
23. Order delivery or take out from a local restaurant
24. Help a friend move
25. Recycle
26. Give up your seat on the bus or train
27. Donate diapers to a homeless shelter
28. Tell family members you love them
29. Sign an organ donor card
30. Clean a park or playground
31. Foster a pet from a shelter or animal rescue
32. Compliment a stranger
33. Volunteer for a suicide prevention line
34. Give directions to a person who is lost
35. Donate your hair to locks of love
36. Weed a community garden
37. Put your change in a charity box
38. Buy gift cards to donate
39. Tip your servers well
40. Check on elderly neighbors
41. Plant a Tree
42. Comfort someone who experienced a loss
43. Hug your child or spouse
44. Forgive someone
45. Do an extra chore around the house
46. Surprise someone with flowers
47. Donate old eyeglasses
48. Send cards to seniors in resident homes
49. Return your shopping cart
50. Walk or ride a bicycle instead of driving
51. Participate in Good Deeds Day
52. Share this list
5 Random Acts of Kindness that Changed a Person’s Life
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Good Deeds Day, an annual global day of doing good, is the pinnacle of doing good year-round. Initiated in 2007 by business woman and philanthropist Shari Arison, Good Deeds Day has grown to 108 countries with millions of participants. Good Deeds Day 2021 is on April 11.