5 Tips to Help you Find Lost Items

Try these hacks that can help you find lost things.



(Zivica Kerkez / Shutterstock.com)

Losing something can be one of the most frustrating things. The keys or the phone or wallet just have to be somewhere - you just had it a few minutes ago! Or perhaps you've lost something you haven't seen in a while. Whatever the case may be, there has to be a better way to find them than running around in circles feeling more and more upset and overwhelmed. Luckily, here are five hacks that can actually help you find those lost things. 

Search systematically
One of the classic things a person does when in a rush and trying to find a lost object is to just look around in the same places, even multiple times. This doesn’t work and makes the process even more upsetting than it already is. According to Psychology Today, what you need to do is search systematically. They recommend calming down first and allowing your brain to think logically. Where does it make sense for the item to be? When was the last time you used it? Using logic actually works. As they explain, most items aren’t actually lost, they are simply misplaced.

Tidy up
If you've looked around for the lost item and still haven’t found it, perhaps it’s because your home is a bit messy. Taking a few minutes break from the search to tidy up can actually help you find the item, recommends the Angi blog. Clean up without the stress and, surprise surprise, you just might find what you were looking for.

Ask a friend to come over
When you are stressed, in a rush, and have searched your entire house from top to bottom multiple times for your lost item, you might be in a blindness state where you can’t even see the things that are in front of you. Getting a friend to come help can be a life saver, as they will not only offer moral support but also be able to look for the item with a fresh set of eyes, according to Angi. Plus, it is always nice to have someone there to celebrate with you when you finally find it.

Make it quiet
Another great tip from Angi is keeping it quiet and calm. If your music is on and there is a lot going on, it can be distracting and more stressful to focus and look for the lost object. When it is quiet, it can help quiet down your thoughts, keep the calm and help find what you’re looking for more easily.

Go digital
Although this is a preventative method, it is gold. Downloading apps like “Find My” that track your digital devices or putting Air Tags on your keychain can save you so much time and energy, according to Woman’s World. It is 2024, and there is no time like the present to go digital and make your life a bit easier. You will definitely thank yourself for doing so.

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