Warm socks for the winter (Roman Babakin / Shutterstock.com)
It might not be the first thing that comes to mind, but a warm pair of socks is actually the most sought-after item among homeless populations in the United States and Canada. Kind people often donate jackets and blankets, shoes and shirts - but socks are in short supply. Equally surprising - especially for those who have never had to think about their sock drawer in too much depth - is the fact that the humble sock can prevent many common ailments and medical problems as well as warming up cold feet.
How to Keep the Homeless Warm [VIDEO]
5 Unbelievable Facts & Figures about Giving
What these initiatives hold in common - aside from socks - is that they’re about restoring dignity, and providing basic comfort to people in need. By encouraging volunteering and small donations, these five charitable organizations are making a real difference to people’s lives - and feet - across North America.
This public charity aims to bring comfort to the homeless population across the United States - as its name suggests. By coordinating community sock drives, Comfort Socks delivers new socks to homeless shelters and other nonprofits that work with people on the streets.
SOCK SLOGAN: Comfort the feet, comfort the soul
WEBSITE: http://www.comfortsocks.org
Currently raising money on Indiegogo, The Sock Society wants to deliver two pairs of socks to customers every month - while donating a percentage to a chosen nonprofit. Geared towards professionals who want their feet to make a fashion statement at the office, the initiative is simple, funky and socially conscious.
SOCK SLOGAN: Delivering you two pairs of quality, stylish, socks of your choosing, to your door, every month.
WEBSITE: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/the-sock-society-monthly-sock-delivery-service
A Soul Pancake initiative headed by the Kid President, Socktober encourages participants to collect socks and other winter gear to keep homeless people warm in the colder months. With a solid social media presence and a fun, upbeat message, the drive wants to get two million people involved in 2015.
SOCK SLOGAN: Helping is easy!
WEBSITE: http://soulpancake.com/socktober
In its mission to get new socks onto the feet of as many homeless people as possible, The Joy of Sox raises funds, collects new socks and then distributes them to those in need. The organization coordinates with other nonprofits - such as soup kitchens and shelters - to hand out socks directly.
SOCK SLOGAN: Do you have a sock drawer at home?
WEBSITE: http://thejoyofsox.org
The idea for Your City Sports was born in 2013, when the Canadian organizers were volunteering at an event for the homeless and learned that socks were the #1 need for people on the streets. The organization sells high quality athletic socks that are fun to wear, and donates a new pair to a homeless charity for every pair sold.
SOCK SLOGAN: There’s a story behind our socks!
WEBSITE: http://www.yourcitysports.com