5 Creative Ways to Reuse Tea Bags

Give your used tea bags a second life!


Enjoying a cup of hot tea.

(Anna Hoychuk / Shutterstock.com)

Tea is consumed by millions of people worldwide. In many places, it can be argued that tea is more than just a beverage. It is also a cultural phenomenon. So, whether you start your day with a warm and delicious cup of tea or enjoy a traditional afternoon teatime, unless you use loose tea, you will have a soggy tea bag afterwards.

But don’t throw it away. Tea bags can be reused in a large variety of other ways, according to The Spruce. From practical household hacks to beauty tricks, here are five creative ways  to repurpose tea bags. 

Make Another Cup of Tea

Did you know you can brew more than one cup of tea from a single tea bag? Many people don’t realize that high quality tea bags can be used more than once. How often you reuse a tea bag is a matter of personal taste. When you don’t enjoy the weakened flavor or you see the color has started to fade, it’s time for a fresh bag. But don’t throw it out, add it to your compost pile or use it to fertilize your garden.

Reuse your tea bag.

(Thijs de Graaf / Shutterstock.com)

Keep Your Home Smelling Fresh

Tea is a great and natural deodorizer, suggested the Big Basket Lifestyle blog. After your used tea bag has dried, you can place it (or a few of them) in strategic places in your home, such as the fridge or under the garbage bag in the garbage can. The tea bags can absorb unwanted smells and odours and keep your home smelling fresh.

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Upgrade Your Bath Routine

The next time you are in the mood of a well-deserved and relaxing bath, take a few of your used tea bags and add them to your warm bath water. The aroma of the tea will still be there, upgrading your bath experience to a whole new level. How Stuff Works, a publication about things you are probably curious about, recommends using peppermint, chamomile or jasmine tea bags in your baths, allowing you to enjoy the rich and delicious aroma of these teas again.

Add some used chamomile tea bags to your bath.

(shine.graphics / Shutterstock.com)

Squeaky Clean

Perhaps you already knew about some creative uses for tea bags, but here is a one you probably haven’t tried cleaning mirrors! All you need to do, according to Big Basket, is to wet the tea bags before using them to clean your mirrors. Then dry with a dry cloth. The ingredients in the tea bags help remove the dust from the mirrors and will leave them squeaky-clean.

Another cleaning tip is to use green tea bags to remove grease from your dirty dishes. Just add tea bags to your dishwater and soak the dishes. After a few minutes, the grease will come off easily, and like the mirrors, sparkle and shine.

Cleaning supplies.

(dianaduda / Shutterstock.com)

Natural Skincare

Tea bags can also be used in natural skincare. Chill the used tea bags for a few minutes in the fridge, for an effective and eco-friendly eye mask! Place the chilled tea bags on your eyes when damp (not wet) to help reduce dark circles and improve the blood circulation around your eyes. In addition, you can also use used tea bags on small wounds to help them heal. Make sure to consult with your doctor before applying to a wound or using tea bags for medical purposes. 

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