(Alexander Kuzovkov / shutterstock.com)
The dreams of makers, creators and innovators can now come true at TekVenture Maker Station - a partnership of the non-profit TekVenture and Allen County Public Library in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
The 50 ft space is fit with a variety of tools that enable the digital creation of prototypes: a CNC router and milling machines, a 3D printer, metal lathe small injection molder, vacuum forming prototyper, assembly areas and more. The Maker Station enables library patrons - young and old, students and teachers, children and parents - to start creating, aided by the staff of volunteers that man the Station. The facility also hosts a variety of workshops to learn how to use the machines on hand and turn concept or idea into a creation.
Driven by a wish to provide an environment that enables and fosters creativity, TekVenture also encourages interaction between makers and aspires to introduce creators with emerging technologies. [Source: TekVenture]
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