(Dusan Petkovic / shutterstock.com)
Assemble programmers, designers and marketers in one spot for a whole weekend; get the entrepreneurs to network and share ideas; invite them for an inspiring lecture or two; provide them with space, time and opportunity to focus on concept, product and strategy, and presto: an operational startup is born.
Such is the formula concocted by Startup Weekend. Incubating innovative companies, Startup Weekend coordinates weekend meetups in all corners of the world - from Paris and Jerusalem to Tokyo and Seattle. Participation is reasonably priced: a ticket to the upcoming Startup Weekend in Santa Barbara is $99, which seems like a worthy investment, not a luxury expense.
Equally intriguing is Startup Weekend's collaboration with Google: bootcamps for Startup Weekend attendees, where they can develop their technical skills and prepare. [Source: Startup Weekend]
Want to get down to business? It's here: startupweekend.org
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