(Rad Radu / shutterstock.com)
Joe Demin was on a break from his corporate job and winding down in Thailand, when he stumbled across an incredibly comfy hammock that cozily enveloped his hefty 6'2 frame. He found out the huge hammock was produced by the Mlabri people - an underprivileged community on the border of extinction, whose members were only granted Thai citizenship as late as 2007.
Demin took the trip to northern Thailand to meet with and learn about the Mlabri. This momentous adventure spurred a chain of events, that had Demin leave his laptop-ridden job in Boston, and launch Yellow Leaf, an online hammock store that aims to ensure longevity, prosperity and hope to the Mlabri.
With a slogan that reads, "Do Good. Relax", Yellow Leaf seems just too good to let go - we would jump right in. [Source: Yellow Leaf]
Cut to the chase and go here: yellowleaf.com