Photo by Flickr user quicheisinsane
There are all sorts of fathers; loving and supportive, fun and sporty, warm and cheeky. With Father's Day coming up this Sunday, we'd like to raise our hats to a selection of TV's funniest dads. While some of these guys aren't necessarily the best role models, they've always made us laugh!
1. HOMER SIMPSON (The Simpsons)
WHY WE LOVE HIM: Slouching on the couch and chasing (his son) Bart around our TV screens since the late 80s, Homer is nothing short of an icon. While his beer-drinking and bouts of anger leave something to be desired, deep down we know he loves his wife and his kids, and we love to love him too.
FATHER'S DAY QUOTE: "Why you little…" (usually to Bart)
2. FRANK COSTANZA (Seinfield)
WHY WE LOVE HIM: George's father can be a bit of grump, but it's always hilarious and his timing is spot on. We love learning bits and pieces about his impressive past – did you know Frank is fluent in Korean?
FATHER'S DAY QUOTE: "George, we've had it with you. We love you like a son, but even parents have limits."
3. CLIFF HUXTABLE (The Cosby Show)
WHY WE LOVE HIM: Played by Bill Cosby, Cliff Huxtable is the quintessential 80s TV father, always teasing, playful and fun. Cliff stars in every single episode of The Cosby Show, and for good reason – he's the star!
FATHER'S DAY QUOTE: "And you're going to do it because I said so! I am your father!"
4. PETER GRIFFIN (Family Guy)
WHY WE LOVE HIM: Peter is more of a newbie on the TV dad scene, making us giggle since the late 90s. Like Homer he has a bit of a drinking problem, a short attention span, and a tendency to tease his children. However, also like his yellow cartoon counterpart, Peter's love for the family shines through – in its own way!
FATHER'S DAY QUOTE: "Sorry Meg. Daddy loves ya, but Daddy also loves Star Trek, and in all fairness, Star Trek was here first."
5. CAMERON TUCKER (Modern Family)
WHY WE LOVE HIM: Seriously – what's not to love? Cam is emotional and dramatic, loving and caring, warm and hilarious. Cam's massive personality is a laugh a minute, and his devotion for his partner Mitchell and his daughter Lily make us forgive any forthcomings in a heartbeat.
FATHER'S DAY QUOTE: "If I have to read The Very Hungry Caterpillar one more time, I will snap!"
Happy Fathers Day to all!
Green Gifts for Fathers Day
The Cutest Father-Son Duo Ever
5 Inspiring Quotes by World-Famous Fathers