(Tom Wang / Shutterstock.com)
The sun is out, the birds are singing, and the lemonade is cold. Oh yes, its summertime! It’s the season of rooftop bars, water sports, and picnics. Its also the season of FOMO. Yup, options for fun outings are so plentiful that it can almost be overwhelming.
For that reason, we’ve compiled a list of the top 11 fun and FREE summertime activities that can be found just about anywhere.
1. Live music!
Whether its jazz, hip-hop, or world beats summer is the season of free concerts. Check out parks, city squares, music venues, and beer gardens for your local options.

(Halfpoint / Shutterstock.com)
2. Bike riding
Biking around is fun, healthy, saves money on transportation, and is a great way to experience different neighborhoods from a new point of view. Find new bike routes that take you through parks, rivers, bridges, interesting neighborhoods, community gardens, and other sites that will quench your senses.

(wavebreakmedia / Shutterstock.com)
3. Movies and Theater
During the summer months, many cities will host free movie and theater festivals. Whether its Shakespeare or Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, there’s nothing like watching a show under the stars. For the ultimate experience: pack a blanket and a bottle of wine, and maybe even call up a friend or two.
4. Beach beach beach
Perhaps our favorite option - the beach! Go alone with a good book, or bring a friend- the beach will accept you however you choose. Tip: bring some watermelon and a hat!

(Billion Photos / Shuttesrtock.com)
5. Sports
Whether its baseball, frisbee, or volleyball, this is the season to indulge in some good old-fashioned outdoor sports. Find a new group that meet weekly or call up an old friend that you haven’t seen in a while.

(New Africa / Shutterstock.com)
6. Gardening and farming
Getting your hands dirty is healthy for your mind, body, and soul- plus it could be a great way to meet new people. If you’re in a city, look for your local community garden (or better yet- start one!) For those a little closer to the fields, check out a nearby farm or plant your own veggie patch. Don’t forget to drink a ton of water!

(XiXinXing / Shutterstock.com)
7. Camping and hiking
Nature, how glorious art thee (sorry, my mind must be at Shakespeare in the Park). There’s probably nothing as glorious as nature- so now’s the time to indulge in a micro-dose of the wilderness. Whether it’s a day trip to a nearby forest or a camping trip by the river- whether it's with your childhood friends or your new in-laws- get out, have fun, and leave no trash behind!

(Monkey Business Images / Shutterstock.com)
8. Arts and crafts
The summer offers us new opportunities to make outdoor-geared arts and crafts. Think bird feeders, creative mosquito nets, dream catchers, or hang some dried herbal bouquets out on your front porch. We recommend recovering old materials that are no longer in use and upcycling them into new goods.

(Iryna Inshyna / Shutterstock.com)
9. Volunteer at a local farmers market
I can’t think of a better way to make new friends. Farmers markets are little niches of friendliness. I don’t know if it’s the organic fruit, the homemade ice cream, or the free samples, but everyone is a little more familiar at a farmers market.

(Monkey Business Images / Shutterstock.com)
10. Lemonade happiness
Instead of a lemonade stand, how about free lemonade giveaways to strangers? The heat can sometimes bring the grumpy out in all of us, but free lemonade will make anyone’s day- guaranteed! Maybe you can even get some lemons for free at the farmer’s market (or a local supermarket). Tip: add mint and a sweetener for extra happiness.

(Nadia Leskovskaya / Shutterstock.com)
11. Bonfire with friends
Bonfires bring us together. Bring some guitars, beers, and marshmallows. Maybe even invite the new neighbors and see what crazy stories they’re hiding.

(Markik / Shutterstock.com)
Whatever you chose to do this summer, make sure to bring water and a smile.