(Iryna Inshyna / shutterstock.com)
Mother’s Day is an occasion to let that special lady in your life know how much she means to you. Moms toil day in and day out to provide for their kids and families, and most of the time they do not receive a lot of credit for all that they do. Common sense would tell us that we should appreciate and acknowledge our mothers every day of the year, but in honor of Mother’s Day, below is a list of five things you can do to make your Mom feel better than good.
1.SAY THANK YOUWHY Those two little words have such a huge impact, and are sometimes not heard that often. When said from a genuine and heartfelt place, they can make a world of difference to the recipient. HOW There are so many ways to express thanks and gratitude to your mother, whether you tell her in person, over the phone, via email or the old fashioned way, in a card. This video
will provide you with some inspiration!

(BIGANDT.COM / shutterstock.com)
2.DIY GIFTWHY You don’t need to shell out the big bucks to show your mom how much you careabout her, rather you can make a thoughtful homemade gift. HOW Instead of buying flowers, make bea
utiful paper flowers! The effort and
consideration will be well noted. For a great keepsake memento, make your own
picture frame and place a lovely photo of you and your mother inside.

(Makistock / shutterstock.com)
3.BREAKFAST IN BEDWHY This is the classic Mother’s Day gift, to treat the woman who wakes up everymorning and helps get the household ready for the day, to a delicious meal in bed. HOW There are a lot of tasty breakfast choices, but first of all be sure to prepare foodthat your Mom actually likes! Here is a selection of easy and healthy recipes to get youstarted: waffles
, French toast, vegan crepes and eggs.

(MPH Photos / shutterstock.com)
WHY In most homes, the upkeep of the house usually becomes the mother’s
responsibility, whether she wants it or not.
HOW Make an effort to pick up after yourself, do the dishes, clean your room, wash a
load of laundry – you’ll see how that simple act can be one of the greatest gifts to a

(granata68 / shutterstock.com)
5.GIFTS THAT GIVE BACKWHY If you do decide to buy a gift for your mom, why not give one that is good forthe world?HOW There are a myriad of good doing causes
that you can donate to in honor of
your mother. Depending on your mother’s taste, make an effort to purchase a gift that
is eco-friendly and leaves a minimal carbon footprint on the planet. This list of ethical
shopping sites can help you find great earth friendly products.

(Anatoliy Sadovskiy / shutterstock.com)