(Aleksandra Suzi / Shutterstock.com)
Dogs are utterly amazing animals. Just ask any dog parent and they will give you a myriad of reasons ranging from loyalty, empathy, unconditional love, and even entertainment. Watching your dog play by zooming after a ball or romping with other pups at the dog park can be absolutely hilarious, according to Good Housekeeping.
That’s why movies that feature dogs are so popular. With so many dog-centric flicks out there, choosing one that will tug at your heart strings or make you laugh is no easy task. Whether you are looking for a family movie, or a date night, let Goodnet make the selection easier. So, pop some popcorn, get cozy on the couch, and enjoy one of these 10 best dog movies.
Marly & Me - 2008
This comedy-drama film is based on the 2005 book by John Grogan. A couple (played by Jennifer Aniston and Owen Wilson) adopt a not so obedient Labrador named Marly. After a lot of antics, they bond and learn to live and love together. The film was released on Christmas day 2008 and set a record for the largest Christmas day release. Grab a box of tissues and find out why.
101 Dalmatians - 1996
Both the original Disney animated film and the live-action remake in 1996 tell the story of Cruella De Vil (played by Glenn Close) and her fur obsession. But she is thwarted by adorable dalmatian puppies. This movie is fun for all ages
Lassie - 2005
While there have been many Lassie movies made, the 2005 version that stars Peter O’Toole is the pick of the litter, according to Hepper. In this version, Lassie, a beautiful collie, is owned by a family that cannot afford to keep her. She is given to a wealthy family 500 miles away, but she runs away and makes the dangerous journey back to her family.
Togo - 2019
Based on a true story, Togo, is about a sled dog that must lead his musher through extreme conditions to deliver the diphtheria antitoxin to Nome, Alaska during the 1925 epidemic.The adventure film was released on Disney+ on December 20, 2019. Another film that depicts this life-saving run is Balto, it is about another dog that was part of the team. This video might not be appropriate for younger children.
Beethoven - 1992
This 1992 family film features a giant 185-pound St Bernard named Beethoven. Watch as he causes many disasters at home, slobbers everywhere, escapes from dog nappers, and wins the hearts of his family, according to Good Housekeeping. This movie is the first of the Beethoven series and is fun for dog-lovers of all ages.
Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey - 1993
When a family goes on vacation and leaves their pets with caregivers, the confused animals – two dogs and a cat – think they were left behind and set off on a journey to find their family. The pets’ adventure will keep you at the edge of your seat the entire way home. This 1993 remake was based on a novel by Sheila Burfield.
Lady and the Tramp - 1955
This romantic Disney movie shows how two dogs from different backgrounds fall in love, It’s almost like Romeo and Juliet with fur. Lady is a pampered cocker spaniel and tramp is a homeless mutt, but love prevails at the end. There is also a 2019 live-action remake that features real dogs in the title roles.
Benji - 2018
Benji, a small mixed breed dog, is a real hero who saves two children from being kidnapped. But this is far from his first adventure. There have been several Benji films from 1974 through 2018. This movie was released in 2018 on Netflix. It is enjoyable fun for all ages.
Rescued by Ruby - 2022
This movie (a true story) features a hyperactive border collie and a state trooper who desperately wants to be part of the K-9 unit, according to a review of dog movies on Netflix, and time is running out. Unfortunately, the department has no funding available for more German shepherds. That’s where Ruby comes in. She has been adopted and returned to the shelter seven times, but the pair find a way to make it work so that Daniel – played by Grant Gustine – can take the K-9 exam in time
All Dogs go To Heaven - 1989
This animated musical fantasy is about a dog, Charlie B Barkin, who is killed and decides to skip heaven to come back to earth to get revenge. But at the same time, he befriends and helps a little orphan girl named Anne-Marie. In the process, Charlie learns all about kindness, friendship, and most of all love.