Acting On A Dream

Acting On A Dream is a movement founded by Mini Productions in aid of Dreams Come True Charity. Our mission is to remind people that anything is possible, regardless of your circumstances. You may feel like you can't but we're here to tell you, you can!

Camp Grounded

Camp Grounded is where grown-ups go to unplug, getaway and be kids again. Trade in your computer, cell phone, Instagrams, clocks, schedules and work-jargon for an off-the-grid weekend of pure unadulterated fun. Together we'll create a community where money is worth little... and individuality, self expression, friendship, freedom and memories are valued most.

Global Lives Project

The Global Lives Project is a video library of life experience. A nonprofit, volunteer-driven effort of filmmakers and translators, we create and curate films that capture 24 continuous hours in the life of individuals from around the world. We use visual media to cultivate the ethics of global citizenship and cross-cultural empathy for a global audience.

Do Good

DoGood is a movement that inspires millennials to impact culture through social good and the gospel.  Through stories of renewal, DoGood aims to distribute resources that educate and motivate youth to serve their communities daily.

Share A Story

Share A Story is a social initiative to discover powerful personal stories from around the world because we believe the 'right' story has the power to ignite change. Share a story today!

The Universal Peace Wheel Celebration

The Universal Peace Wheel celebrates what it means to be alive, and life itself. You are invited, as individual, team, or organization to create practical acts of peace on a shared date to honor our precious human experience here on earth. is a non-profit organization dedicated to encouraging and empowering people to practice kindness in their everyday lives. We provide individuals and groups with tools, ideas, projects and events that help make the world a kinder place.

Wake Up Project

We’re a community of 15,000+ people celebrating kindness & wisdom in modern life. We enjoy traversing a variety of ideas – from courage to creativity, wellness to business and the arts. We provide free kindness cards, workshops, special evenings, films and an annual Wake Up at Work business conference. We hope it inspires kind and wise living.

Rainbow World Fun

Rainbow World Fund is an international humanitarian aid charity based in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) and friends community.

You've probably heard of the Six Degrees concept. Any one person (including me, Kevin Bacon) is connected to any other person through six or fewer relationships, because it's a small world. is about using this idea to accomplish something good. It's social networking with a social conscience.
Through this website, you can support your favorite charities by donating or creating fundraising badges — as well as check out the favorite causes of other people, including celebrities.  You can also pay it forward with Good Cards® - gift cards for charity that can be redeemed as a donation to more than 1 million charities.


Way is  a game where two players on separate screens have to solve a puzzle together, nonverbally. Both lack a common language yet are joined by a shared goal,

100 People Foundation

The 100 People Foundation helps students to better understand the complex issues facing our planet and the resources we share. By framing the global population as 100 people, our media makes education more engaging and effective, and improves students' abilities to remember and relate to what they learn.

The Simple Good

The goal of this global project is to bring into focus the incredible things that surround us in our every-day world by sharing images and perspectives from around the world.
Whether it is a delicate flower, random street art, a kind gesture, or anything and everything that is simply good - these images represent the extraordinary yet basic things that connect us to one another and to our world.


Purpose creates 21st century movements. We deploy the collective power of millions of citizens and consumers to help solve some of the world’s biggest problems. We develop and launch our own social and consumer movements using our model of movement entrepreneurship, and we work with organizations and progressive companies to help them mobilize large-scale, purposeful action.

The Acoustic Guitar Project

The Acoustic Guitar Project was created to help musicians reconnect to the original moment that inspired them to be singer-songwriters. 
Musicians participating in The Acoustic Guitar Project are given one week to create an original song using only the guitar and recording device provided. There’s no editing on the computer, and they have to get it all in one live take.