
Heard of The Fun Theory? It’s a way to improve our lives by making unfun things fun. This inspired us to create DietBet, a social dieting game that turns losing weight into a game. You can play with friends for money or for bragging rights. Either way, it’s a lot more fun to lose weight as part of a friendly competition. You’ll never do another solitary diet after experiencing the thrill of a dietbet.


SimplyNoise is the best free color noise generator on the Internet, with thousands of new users discovering our site each day! All of our content is crafted by a professional Sound Designer to ensure the highest audio fidelity. The benefits of color noise have been utilized in clinics, schools, households, and offices around the world. Enjoy the benefits and features many expensive sound machines can't match

Look Good...Feel Better

Look Good...Feel Better is a non-medical, brand-neutral public service program that teaches beauty techniques to cancer patients to help them manage the appearance-related side effects of cancer treatment. 
Look Good…Feel Better group programs are open to all women with cancer who are undergoing chemotherapy, radiation, or other forms of treatment. 

Prince's Trust

The Prince's Trust is a youth charity that helps change young lives. We give practical and financial support, developing key workplace skills such as confidence and motivation. We work with 13 to 30-year-olds who have struggled at school, have been in care, are long-term unemployed or have been in trouble with the law.

7 Cups of Tea

7 Cups of Tea is an on-demand emotional health and well-being service. Our bridging technology anonymously & securely connects real people to real listeners in one-on-one chat. Anyone who wants to talk about whatever is on their mind can quickly reach out to a trained, compassionate listener through our network. We have hundreds of listeners who come from all walks of life and have diverse experiences.


We created Babble for one very simple reason: we can't find a magazine or community that speaks to us as new parents. Every publication we encounter presents procreation as a cute and cuddly experience, all pink and powder blue, at best an interior decorating opportunity, at worst a housekeeping challenge. None of it is true to the experience we are having, and that we see around us.


At talkspace, we're on a mission to make a billion people happy. With our Unlimited Messaging Therapy, you have access to a licensed, professional therapist 24/7--no appointment needed! We're here to help, so fill out the form and let's get started.

Australian Kindness Movement

The "AKM" has been promoting kindness since 1994. The group was formed to help overcome the apparent drift toward a cold and impersonal society. Our major goal is to generate a greater sense of friendliness in the community through the medium of simple acts of kindness. When this is achieved, citizens will experience higher levels of caring and safety in the community.
Staffed by volunteers, our funding is by way of small donations from people who share our vision of a kinder, friendlier world. Being a totally autonomous group, there are no affiliations with religious, political, or philosophical bodies.

Health delivers relevant information in clear, jargon-free language that puts health into context in peoples' lives. Through medical content, insights from experts and real people, and breaking news, we answer: how it happened, what it feels like, what you can do about it, and why it matters.


1000memories lets you share and preserve the photos sitting in your old albums and hard drives. We make it easy to digitize old photos and create shoeboxes of your favorite photos and mementos from the past.

The Weightless Project

The Weightless Project was launched to fight two parallel causes - obesity on one hand and hunger and malnutrition on the other. By converting calories burned into usable funds using cutting-edge technologies to track activity, the proceeds generated by those losing weight will be used to help those who need the extra pounds to survive. Currently the initiative is partnering with three devices – Jawbone, Fitbit and Basis, and looking to collaborate with other international health and fitness brands. Officially supported by Deepak Chopra, The Deepak Chopra Foundation and Health 2.0, this initiative is on its way to making the world a healthier place.

Healthline Crowdfunding

Healthline's crowdfunding tool makes medical fundraising easy, enabling users to give help and hope to friends, family and grups they believe in. On the FundRazr-backed platform, users specify a fundraising goal and deadline, then use social media to get the word out. As campaigns progress, campaigners can provide updates to thank existing donors and encourage new ones, all the while feeling good about making a positive difference. 

Cycle House

Cycle House is a new type of workout experience focused not just on improving you, but the world around you as well. Every class taken at Cycle House translates to two meals for someone in need and anywhere from 500 to 1,000 calories burned off of your body. is a blog that promotes optimism as the inspiration for a healthier, happier and more successful life. There’s a lot of science that confirms the benefits of the optimistic lifestyle. That seems to be a well-kept secret for most people. Here you can read about that science. You can find the stories that show that—contrary to what the headlines and front pages tell you every day—the world is, in fact, a much better place than you think.

Lift is a simple way to achieve any goal, track your progress, and get the support of your friends.