Wake Up Project

We’re a community of 15,000+ people celebrating kindness & wisdom in modern life. We enjoy traversing a variety of ideas – from courage to creativity, wellness to business and the arts. We provide free kindness cards, workshops, special evenings, films and an annual Wake Up at Work business conference. We hope it inspires kind and wise living.

United Planet

As an international non-profit organization, United Planet (UP) strives to create a world in which all people understand, respect, and support one another. United Planet's global network of leaders and volunteers fosters cross-cultural understanding and addresses shared challenges to unite the world in a community beyond borders.


Way is  a game where two players on separate screens have to solve a puzzle together, nonverbally. Both lack a common language yet are joined by a shared goal,

Peace Innovation Lab

The Peace Innovation Lab is a new initiative from Stanford’s Persuasive Technology Lab.  Launched in Spring 2010, the PI Lab is focused on on how technology is facilitating emerging and measurable social changes toward global peace.

Humans of New York

HONY resulted from an idea that I had to construct a photographic census of New York City. I thought it would be really cool to create an exhaustive catalogue of the city’s inhabitants, so I set out to photograph 10,000 New Yorkers and plot their photos on a map.  I worked for several months with this goal in mind.  But somewhere along the way, HONY began to take on a much different character.  I started collecting quotes and short stories from the people I met, and began including these snippets alongside the photographs.  Taken together, these portraits and captions became the subject of a vibrant blog, which over the past two years has gained hundreds of thousands of followers.  

Search for Common Ground

Search for Common Ground works to prevent and end violent conflict in countries that are experiencing violence, facing the threat of it, or dealing with its effects. With a 31 year track record, we work to equip individuals and societies with the knowledge and skills to find alternatives to violent conflict. By understanding and tackling the root causes of conflict, we help communities to deal with their differences constructively.

The Urban Etiquette Project

The Urban Etiquette Project is set of downloadable, printable cards designed to start a conversation about manners, civility and public etiquette in the urban sphere. The project offers cards to point out unfavourable behaviour, as well as citations for acknowledging random acts of kindness.

Do Good

DoGood is a movement that inspires millennials to impact culture through social good and the gospel.  Through stories of renewal, DoGood aims to distribute resources that educate and motivate youth to serve their communities daily.

You've probably heard of the Six Degrees concept. Any one person (including me, Kevin Bacon) is connected to any other person through six or fewer relationships, because it's a small world. is about using this idea to accomplish something good. It's social networking with a social conscience.
Through this website, you can support your favorite charities by donating or creating fundraising badges — as well as check out the favorite causes of other people, including celebrities.  You can also pay it forward with Good Cards® - gift cards for charity that can be redeemed as a donation to more than 1 million charities.


Social media is an easy way to say something, but it’s a difficult way to be heard. Thunderclap is the first-ever crowdspeaking platform that helps users be heard by saying something together. It allows a single message to be mass-shared, flash mob-style, that rises above the noise of your social networks. By boosting the signal at the same time, Thunderclap helps a single person create action and change like never before.

100 People Foundation

The 100 People Foundation helps students to better understand the complex issues facing our planet and the resources we share. By framing the global population as 100 people, our media makes education more engaging and effective, and improves students' abilities to remember and relate to what they learn.

We Are the 15 Percent

A crowd-sourced collection of portraits of American interracial families and marriages, inspired by a Cheerios ad. is a non-profit organization dedicated to encouraging and empowering people to practice kindness in their everyday lives. We provide individuals and groups with tools, ideas, projects and events that help make the world a kinder place.

The Universal Peace Wheel Celebration

The Universal Peace Wheel celebrates what it means to be alive, and life itself. You are invited, as individual, team, or organization to create practical acts of peace on a shared date to honor our precious human experience here on earth. 

People United Kindness Calendar

A new website to capture, share and inspire acts of kindness. We want to celebrate the everyday and the extraordinary, and to inspire many more acts of kindness. So if you have a special story, have something you have been meaning to do for a while, or have a fabulous idea that would make someone’s day, you can submit your story to the calendar.