
Kutoa is about people everywhere helping people everywhere, because people everywhere matter. Through the pooling of micro-donations ($1/month), Kutoa members get a vote for where all the money collected should go each month. It’s easy, affordable and together Kutoa members are making a difference.


We’re not a charity, we’re a group of people committed to helping others. Every week, will highlight a different charity and call on you, those willing and happy to help others, to donate directly to that charity. Don’t feel like donating to one of the featured charities for whatever reason? No problem. Donate to a cause you love.


CharitySub is short for charity subscription — your subscription for giving! Each month you learn about a new cause along with 3 charities doing great work to make a difference. With your $5 monthly subscription as a member, you decide each month which charity will receive your $5 donation, and will soon thereafter hear from the charity about the good you and the CharitySub community helped enable.

People United

People United is a creative laboratory.  We explore how the arts and creativity can inspire kindness and social change.  We commission artists, create imaginative new work, develop research and support new social initiatives.  From beach huts and bingo halls to high streets, schools and offices; our work links artists, academics, policy-makers, community leaders and the general public in exploring how to grow a more caring society.

Free Rice

Not your average online trivia game. Freerice is an online educational game, that allows you to raise 10 grains of rice for every correct answer you choose. So far, it's raised enough to feed over 5 million people. The game is run by and supports the United Nations World Food Programme. Rice up against hunger!

Charity: Water

charity: water is a non-profit organization bringing clean and safe drinking water to people in developing nations. 100% of public donations directly fund water projects.


BRAC is a development success story, spreading solutions born in Bangladesh to 10 other countries around the world – a global leader in creating opportunity for the world’s poor. What started out as a limited relief operation in 1972 in a remote village of Bangladesh, has turned into the largest development organization in the world. Organizing the poor using communities’ own human and material resources, it catalyzes lasting change, creating an ecosystem in which the poor have the chance to seize control of their own lives. We do this with a holistic development approach geared toward inclusion, using tools like microfinance, education, healthcare, legal services, community empowerment and more. Our work now touches the lives of an estimated 126 million people, with staff and BRAC-trained entrepreneurs numbering in the hundreds of thousands.

One Young World

One Young World  is a charity that gathers together the brightest young people (aged 18 - 30) from around the world, empowering them to make lasting connections to create positive change. At the annual One Young World Summit, young leaders debate, formulate and share innovative solutions for the most pressing issues the world faces. At the 2013 Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa, 1,250 young people from 190 countries were joined by a prestigious line-up of One Young World Counsellors including: Kofi Annan, Sir Richard Branson, Arianna Huffington, Sir Bob Geldof and Professor Muhammad Yunus. After attending a Summit, delegates join the network of One Young World Ambassadors working the world over to effect positive change. They do this by founding their own initiatives or lending the power of the One Young World network to those already in existence. The next One Young World Summit takes place in Dublin, Ireland from 15-19 October 2014.

International Relief Teams

International Relief Teams works to alleviate the suffering caused by poverty and disaster around the globe, from the forgotten corners of the world to right here at home, by sending volunteer teams and medical supplies to improve the lives who suffer most.

Orange Sky Laundry

We are Australia’s first mobile laundry service providing homeless people with access to free washing/drying facilities. We are a new not-for-profit organisation run by volunteers. 

True Colors Fund

The True Colors Fund empowers the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender (GLBT) and allied community to volunteer and support the organizations working on their behalf.

Greater Good™ partners with and funds leading nonprofit organizations around the world in order to alleviate poverty and hunger, promote peace, address cancer and other widespread health problems, foster literacy and provide education, preserve vital habitats in peril, and provide protection and care to vulnerable animals.

Support the Girls

Support the Girls is a global clearinghouse that provides guidelines, resources, and support to individuals and organizations to assist in collecting bras and feminine hygiene products to donate to homeless shelters for women in need. Additionally, Support the Girls, through its national platform and infrastructure leverages its network of affiliates and partners to raise awareness of the need for these important feminine issues.

The Joy of Sox

Our mission is simply…to provide socks for the homeless. We started in Philadelphia and are planning to help provide socks for the homeless all across the United States.

Donate a Photo

Donate a Photo is a mobile app from Johnson & Johnson, which donates $1 to a worthy cause for each photo shared. Through Donate a Photo, Johnson & Johnson hopes to raise more awareness for the causes that need help and connect people to nonprofits, helping everyone make an even bigger difference.