How to Create Virtual Community When You Are Staying Home

Ways to keep your friends and families close when you cannot see them face-to-face.



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Most people today are part of a virtual community. It’s called social media and includes Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, even WhatsApp and a host of others. We share our photos, our meals, and even our relationship status with these online friends.

But now when people are social distancing or quarantined and have to stay at home, our real communities; our extended families, friends, work colleagues, religious congregations, and our yoga classes are no longer available in real time, virtual communities are becoming very important

People crave connections and if we can’t have them face-to-face than we have to be creative and find a virtual way to stay in touch despite the coronavirus. We have to create a new virtual community.

Zoom into Your Yoga Class

Yoga can help keep you centered and relaxed. Something everyone needs in this highly stressful time. That’s why taking the class virtual is the right thing to do. Yoga Space in Newtown Connecticut made all their classes virtual on Zoom when they decided to close their physical space due to the corona virus according to The Patch.

Skype Your Family and Friends

Skype your friends and family from your computer or phone. If your children cannot go to their grandparents, do a video call instead. This way you get to see your loved ones as well as speak to them. You can even send some virtual hugs

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Attend School

While the virus has shuttered schools in many places across the globe, some districts are being very creative in keeping the classroom intact. Work assignments to do at home can be given by email but nothing beats the face-to-face. That’s why many schools are going to Zoom conferences, Google Classroom and docs, and chat rooms according to Geek Wire. The issues with this involve equity, does the child without the internet get left behind?

For many, the benefits of keeping the classroom community are too great not to do it. If your school doesn’t have a virtual classroom then make one yourself. Kids can study together via a networking system or even a joint Skype video call. Share an online educational game like scrabble or play virtual chess.

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Watch Live Streamed Religious Services

Since large gatherings have been banned almost globally, many religious institutions have started holding virtual services. This concept isn’t new, many houses of worship do live feeds for shut-ins but few expected to have an entire congregation of shut-ins.

First Congregational Church in Kalamazoo Michigan starting streaming its worship services on Facebook on Sunday, March 15 and hundreds attended according to Michigan Live and will continue to do so. Pastor Nathan Dannison told the news agency, “It was a challenge, but we managed. We are going to keep learning new things.

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Keep Communication Lines Open at Work

People who are working from home still need to feel part of a team and if you are part of a creative one like Goodnet, you still need to bounce ideas off one another. So, form a Google Hangouts or WhatsApp group, have a Team video conference and don’t forget to share in one another’s lives around a virtual water cooler.

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