(Syda Productions / Shutterstock.com)
Fall has arrived! The new season officially began on September 22, but as the crisp air sets in and the leaves begin to change, autumn is now in full swing. Try out some of these wonderful fall ideas to mark the seasonal switch.
Trees shed their leaves in the fall in preparation for the winter. Instead of throwing those dried leaves away, use them to create your own compost. For those unfamiliar, composting is a natural way to discard your kitchen and garden waste and transform it into valuable and nutrient-rich soil. Instead of chucking fruit and vegetable peelings, coffee grounds, or eggshells into the trash headed for your local landfill, use this easy guide to create your very own compost and recycle away!

(Marina Lohrbach / Shutterstock.com)
Summer has taken a hike for the next couple of months, providing a great opportunity to clean out your closet! Channel your inner good doer and donate the clothes you don’t want to an organization that could use them, like the Salvation Army. Another way to give back is to volunteer at a local food pantry or soup kitchen, making sure that folks have substantial foodstuffs as winter sets in.

(Makistock / Shutterstock.com)
While the beautiful fall foliage is something to marvel at, this crisp season is also ripe for apple picking. Depending on where you live, there are lots of bountiful apple orchards that are open to the public. This is a great activity for families and kids of all ages, and can hopefully become an annual tradition.

(JP Chret / Shutterstock.com)
Fall is a great time to learn something new, whether it’s acquiring a skill or taking a course. If you don’t feel like leaving the comfort of your home, check out these free education websites that will expand your mind. For more niche-oriented skills, get acquainted with Skillshare, The Amazings, and Snapguide.

(KieferPix / Shutterstock.com)
As the weather cools down, the kitchen is the warmest spot to be. Try your hand at some delectable fall-oriented recipes and fill your house with delicious aromas. You can start with an updated take on baked apples that’s easy and super tasty!

(bbernard / Shutterstock.com)
Cool weather makes for cozy days indoors; make a mug of cinnamon apple cider and curl up with your favorite book. If you have kids, deem storytime a weekend activity where the whole family reads together. In the vein of spreading the joy of reading, visit We Give Books - a digital initiative that donates a book to a literacy charity for every book read on their site.

(Alena Ozerova / Shutterstock.com)
7. DIY
Nature has provided a lot of wonderful materials for DIY creations, starting with leaves. A great activity for kids and adults alike, here are four different ways to jazz up fall leaves. For the more advanced arts and crafts folks out there, take a note from master DIY professional Martha Stewart with autumnal door arrangements or check out My Sweet Savannah’s trendy take on a fall staple – pumpkins.

(StockLite / Shutterstock.com)